Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Braces and an overdue update!
Yup...that's right I am sporting the latest fashion craze other than baby bumps. I guess it is not a fashion thing, but it makes me feel better to say that. I got the hardware installed last Wednesday and I can honestly say I am finally getting used to them. I have some minor flesh wounds inside my mouth and I am rather annoyed at the fact that my days of eating corn off the cob are over for at least 18-24 months. Those around me will consider this a blessing though...hahaha. None of my teeth are touching at all right now so eating anything is a challenge. I am managing ok considering and if I lose some weight over this I guess I can live with that. ;-) I am talking with a bit of a lisp which is funny considering one of my duties at work is a help desk. The funniest thing about this ordeal was Kailey's reaction when I smiled at her the first time. She was so happy to see me as it was a longer day than usual that I was away from her. I said hi to her and she took one look at my teeth and her smile turned into a frown and she pointed and shook her head 'no'. She then touched her teeth and wanted to take my braces off. It only took her a few hours to get used to the new look, but talk about a blow to my already fading self-esteem. If you know my smile you will notice that they have already shifted somewhat and this makes me happy. This will all be worth it in the end!!!!
Little Kailey is loving the smoothies I am drinking and she gets so excited when the blender turns on. Parker bites at my butt so this response is a welcome change...hahaha. She loves testing out these new drinks. Her favorite is the strawberry banana and she feels very important drinking it out of a 'big girl' glass rather than off a spoon. You can see in the picture some of the evidence. Kailey is loving her new found freedom (running while I work up a sweat keeping up with her) when we go to the mall. I get what we need first while she is strapped into the stroller and then at the end of the trip I let her motor. She has become quite the social butterfly which I love to see. She will walk up to peoples shopping cart and point to their items and say "WOW" and "OH" and will wave and say 'hi'. It is soooo sweet. She also is in love with this Semi-truck ride at the mall. She will grab the steering wheel and I taught her to go 'beep' beep' on the horn. She will wave at anyone passing by and when they make eye contact she chuckles and shakes her head. I put a loonie in it the other day and it started moving so she was on cloud nine thinking she was actually controlling the vehicle. There are many other, more girly, rides that totally do nothing for her. I hope this isn't a hint as to what career path she may take....hahaha. (I am hoping for Vet myself as that would come in quite handy).
In my spare time (did I honestly just say that?) I have been walking shelter dogs to get some excercise and to help break up the long days for some of these poor abandoned/abused critters. There are a few gentle puppies there right now so we took Kailey to see them a few weekends ago and she totally loved it. She was so excited and gentle with all of them and they must have sensed her kindness and thrived in her presence. She is truly my daughter. Very obvious. It is so nice to see her interact in such a caring way with animals and other children. God help them if they do not share the Semi truck though...that is another story.
Miss K is still obsessed with her shoes and will wake up from a nap asking for them right away. Imediatley following a bath she is asking for them. She knows that the sqeaks give away her position so she figured out how to walk on her tip toes to avoid getting caught playing in the dog water....grrrrrr. She seems to be in a toilet phase right now too. Lets see how fast I can throw something in the bowl and flush...lovely.