who can deny her Bob Marley when she has moves like this? hahaha
I was looking through my videos this evening and I came across this one...what is with that face? hahaha
This is a very dark video, but I had to post it anyway. She always manages to put a smile on my face. 'ooooo-I like that'...'happy happy'....'really hot'.
She still has a big thing for candles. It was so cute when she used to call them 'canyas', but I guess she needed to learn the proper word at some point...hahaha.
We decided on the butterfly costume with a black sweat pant outfit and layers underneath for warmth. We went to the neighbors where she was pretty excited that someone would give her candy in her Tinkerbell purse for saying trick or treat (sounded like tweet and tweet). We then went to the mall where she was the only one dressed up...I guess the big Halloween party was last weekend...ok...strange. She did get a lot of attention there though so she was pretty excited. We then went to our friends place and did that block...her trick or treat then turned into 'more sugar keese.'...weird. She thought her lollipops were flowers...awwww.
Any house that had a dog she thought she would invite herself in...yikes. We ended up back at our haunted house where she hung out with her Daddy handing out the last of the treats while playing with the glowing skulls and jumping mummies....she thought they were hilarious.
We are saving the amazing Cinderella dress that Jack's parents got her from Disneyland for next year since it is a tad big. She will have it well broken in by then since it is all she wants to wear!!!