I am so proud of my girl. Potty training is going so well. If I had to put a number to it I would say she is 75-80% there. It is a ton of work but the payoff of not buying and changing diapers is so worth the effort. She is wearing a variety of fancy Princess panties that she picks out or I put the traditional ones on her during the day. She uses pull-ups for her naps and bedtime. Tonight we went to the mall and I put a pull up on her and when we got home she was dry so I sat her on the potty (big potty with a Winnie the pooh seat) and she peed a lake and clapped and said 'yay Kailey...good girls get jelly beans!" Soooo sweet. She is growing up so fast. She is loving her big bed and every morning I have to wake her up around 8am, on the weekends she sometimes doesn't wake up until 9am...yay. She naps 2 hours in the afternoon still too. I guess she is like a little puppy in that she go-go-goes and then crashes hard.

Look how cute her tushy looks in her undies!!