I have some news that some of you know and some of you will be just finding out. Kailey is going to be a big sister. My due date is January 11th so that means that I am almost finished my first trimester. We have been keeping this news very private since the last time did not go so well. I am feeling pregnant this time, complete with morning sickness (although it feels like all day sickness some days) and I am showing already. I am cautiously excited. I know now what a miracle it is to be able to carry a healthy baby to term, something I guess I may have taken for granted to a certain degree before. I am excited for Kailey and for us. My first ultrasound is scheduled for July 13th and I am hoping that after I see a beating heart or even hear it at my appointment on the 7th that I can relax a little bit more. I have a new Dr. this time since Dr. Stander is no longer taking pre-natals. I was referred to a doctor I feel very comfortable with and he happens to be the chief of staff too...cool. His approach is more of a 'natural' one which I like and he is very understanding at my guarded excitement. January is a good month to have a baby I think...cold as heck, but it saves me wondering what I am going to do during the looooong winter months.

Kailey is practicing...I wonder how she will feel when it comes out without all the fur and headband though...hahaha.