This evening I took Kailey and Marley for a walk. She is cutting her second tooth so she is a tad grumpy and this made her happy. Marley wanted to come so I thought I would try him in her basket since he cannot walk because of his heart condition. He loooved it. He fit perfectly in there and when we were moving he just curled up and relaxed with his head hanging out. He jumped in with no problem and when we got back home he jumped out and headed for the front door. What was funny was this little girl was out walking with her Mom and she screamed from across the street, "look Mommy a puppy!". The Mom quickly corrected her and told her that was a baby not a puppy. I told her there was a dog on board and she cracked up. The little girl was maybe three and was short enough to see Marley. Too Funny.
I am wondering if the yogurt is making her Eczema worse. I am going to take her off it for a few days and see if the redness goes away. She is totally flared up right now and I think it is starting to bother her. :-( I know the Pediatrician said that it is not diet related but it is worth a try to see if it calms down. I wonder if teething is contributing to it...hmmmm. She doesn't have the diaper rash but I wonder if this is part of that. I didn't really notice it until lately (the last couple of weeks).
I made up a tray of pureed chicken breast for her to try tomorrow. Like a fool I tried it...why do I do this? It, of course, was rank. Not sure what she will think of this because it was such a strange consistency. I will let her try it on its own and failing that, I will mix it with something yummy.