We made a quick trip to Edmonton this weekend for a big Birthday bash. Carson and Sydney shared a B-day so the whole family could be there. We finally got to see our nephew Robbie again so that was great, what a cute little fella. The highlight of the entire trip for me was seeing the two babies interacting and playing with fridge magnet letters. They were so cute together. I forgot my camera so I wasn't able to capture the two of them playing and I am kicking myself. I will have to get some pictures from Heather or my Mom and post them. Kailey was thrown into a situation that I knew would be difficult for her based on past experiences. She is quite sensitive and seeing a room full of people that she didn't recognize spooked her and she cried for the first 10-15 minutes or so, but she got over it and was a very good girl for the rest of the day/night. She turned 8 months old on Saturday & she got another tooth(bottom left). Since being home she is playing with her solids again....grrrrrr. Blowing raspberries with a mouth full of food seems to excite her unfortunately.
The outfit in the picture is one she got from the Dog Club baby shower. I have been waiting patiently for her to fit into this one as it is one of my favorites. Thanks Dave and Dianne. :-)
Last, but not least, is a video I took of Kailey laughing. I thought it was funny and may brighten your day.