Jack was shoveling this afternoon and Kailey was watching him out the window, so I thought it would be great to put her in her snow suit and let her experience snow for the first time. She was way too tiny last year. Most kids hate getting their snow suits on, but she sees this as a ticket outside and she is good as gold...another precious moment when she is not in motion!!! Thank you to Heather (a lady that my Mom worked with) for passing this along. She has worn this a few times already. She loved being outside and thought it was so awesome to crawl around in all that white stuff. She dug around in it and had to give it the smell and taste test. She thought it was even better when we had the dogs outside and they were nose diving into it. Glad someone is happy to have such a huge dump of snow. The funniest was when Jack scooped her up in the shovel and ran her around the yard. She was having a blast and was squealing and laughing while the dogs were chasing her...of course she decided not to smile for the camera. All in all...a fun afternoon.