Dad and Diane came out this weekend for a visit and it was a great time. Kailey was very entertaining as always. They were amazed at how mobile she is and how much she eats!!! hahaha.

She took her first stroll through our mall the other day and she made quite the scene. She was so proud to be walking like a big girl that she stopped and said 'hi' and gave her cute 'royal' wave to anyone within a 2 meter radius. She even went into Athlete's World to look around and walked up to the till to introduce herself. She made a ton of new friends and some of the older ladies became very nostalgic watching her. It was so amazing...UNTIL....she headed for the Christmas display where Santa sat. She ran as fast as her chubby thighs would take her when she spotted the lights and trees all while saying 'WOW' and 'OH'. She managed to become part of the display and when I grabbed her and picked her up that is when the other, not so sweet, side came bursting forth, although very entertaining for on-lookers. She threw a temper tantrum...lovely. I just walked away while singing the Sound of Music while she proceeded to try to kick me...awww, what a sweetheart. She managed to get control and we were off to pick up some groceries. I felt the red in my face and started sweating - lady speed stick don't fail me now!!! hahahaha.

What a keeper picture the above is hey?! Little fishy face. This is her - I need a laugh face.