Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A day at the park.
This afternoon Kailey and I went for a walk to one of the parks by our house. You will notice she is sporting a puppy backpack. What you will not see in the pictures is the fact that a tail (really a leash) attaches to the back so I can keep Kailey somewhat under control. She has one speed and that is FAST FORWARD and she is very unpredictable where she decides she wants to dart off to. I swore I would never 'leash' my child, but I can totally see the value of it. I took it off for pictures and once we were in the park, but she has this set up on all the time. The swings were her favorite thing last Summer, but she was almost insulted when I tried her in it today. She gave me a look as if I was cramping her style. She put her arms up and said 'up'. She much preferred the slide, but was very upset when she realized she dirtied her shoes with wet sand. Every time she would sit down she proceeded to try to wipe off all the dirt. She didn't mind the fact that her pants and hands were filthy...but not the shoes!!! hahaha. There was a dog parking in one of the yards, so off she went like a little roadrunner saying 'hey pup' over and over again. I had an absolute blast with her today. Watching her discover her surroundings one blade of grass at a time has to be one of the most rewarding experiences one can have. We have the Dutch here with F-16's and they were flying overhead and she looked up and said 'wow' and wanted my reaction. She is a little sponge and I am catching her mimicking me all the time. I was pulling my hair back in a pony tail and she found an elastic later and tried to put her 'fluff' into a pony too. It was so cute. She wants hand cream now and pretends that she is painting her little toes. What a cutie.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Fancy Kailey Toes
OHHHHH do I love having a girl. She let me paint her toe nails this afternoon while she munched on some snacks. How cute are little toes in sandals as it is?...add some nail polish and the cute meter is blown to bits.
I forgot some of her other words:
milk - 'mil mil' in a rather deep voice.
color - cudder
yuck - uck
stinky - tinkee
Another great thing I discovered today is that some of her really cute jeans that are too short are going to make great little Capri pants. YAY!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Happy 18 Month B-day!
-hot dog (playhouse disney)
-boobies(oops on bad).
-baby (sounds like buby)
-hi & bye (sometimes bye bye)
-Zoe Zoe
-OHHHH TOODLES (from playhouse disney)
-SHOE (I cannot believe I almost forgot that)
-oh oh
The photos below is of her modelling her new 'Baby Banz' Retro sunglasses. They are soooo cute. I just hope she keeps them on.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Oh My Kailey...
Below is a picture of the infamous shoes!!! Currently she only wears one and hold the other one in her hand so she can oooo and ahhhhh over it.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sweet Father Daughter pictures.
She is already developing her own sense of 'style'. She picked out these 'spectacular' shoes the other day. No matter what other shoes I showed her she shook her head 'no' and pointed to the heavily jeweled Mary Jane runners...YIKES. They are outrageous to say the least and she is extremely impressed with them. I will take some pictures if I can figure out a way to not have and overexposure - yes, they are that loud...hahaha. Another staple to her outfits are sunglasses worn backwards. She adopted my pair and takes them everywhere we go. Basically she is a total crack up and I find myself laughing my guts out several times through out the day.
Final k-9 is here!!!!
All of Kailey's teeth are in!!! YAhoooooo. She gets to have a little teething break until her 2 yr molars make their appearance. Not sure why the last tooth decided to be such a pain for her, but I really cannot complain. She was a very easy teeth er compared to the horror stories I have heard...poor babies. :-(
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Finally on the mend...I am sure this time.
Just when I thought she was on the mend she woke up from her afternoon nap yesterday and she was very sickly. We went to Wal-Mart to fill the prescription we got. Looks like it is a sinus infection. She is doing much much better this morning. She seems to get worse later in the afternoon so we will see if the drugs are really working after she gets up from her nap this afternoon. I hate to give her medication of any kind, but in this case, it was the only option. I knew something was up (more than a common cold) when she refused to eat anything. I ended up taking her to the Dr.'s (2 hours later we actually saw someone...grrrrr). Even though she was so ill she managed to make the waiting room laugh a few times...go figure. We had to go to Emergency since we could not get in to see anyone from her clinic. We were waiting in a 'curtain' room and whenever she would see someone walking by the curtain she was scream...SHOE while pointing. A few nurses had to peek in to see and then the show was on - smiling, giggling and generally being a little comedian. If it wasn't for the pound of green goo coming out of each nostril I am sure they would have sent me to the psych ward - this child is not sick...hahaha.

Anyway, the first pictures were taken before the medicine kicked in and the last ones were taken after a few doses of the bright pink stuff (Amoxil) she thinks is rather tasty. What a difference.
And After...Party Time!!! I feel much better Mom.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Boo Hoo!
Just a couple of things I wanted to share.
-Whenever Kailey is whining for no apparent reason - just to hear herself complain, I will say to her, 'oh, boo hoo'. The other day I was complaining to Jack about something when we were leaving the mall and she turns her head around in the stroller and she looks me in the eyes and says..."BOO HOO" then shakes her Maybe this was a fluke but maybe she recognized me whining. I cracked up.
-I bought her a little potty and set it up in the bathroom across from the real one and she was thrilled as heck to sit in it and watch the world go by. She has been tugging at her diaper when it is wet so I thought I would give her a chance to try it out - no pressure. Before her bath 2 days ago I was undressing her and she was determined to keep her boots on so I thought I would sit her on the potty. She used this time to admire her shoes and then she stood up beside the potty and peed on the floor and her boots. She was not thrilled and I could see her wheels turning.
She proceeded to try to pick up the drops of pee (yuck) and flick them in the bowl....Ummmmm...close Kailey, but not quite what I was after. This reminds me of when she uses a fork, she will poke the food and bring it up to her mouth then take the food off and eat it. hahaha
-She had a 'shoe meltdown' the other day in our favorite store. She spotted some new bling bling sneakers (tons of jewels and rhinestones...extremely tacky)...she points and says in a very excited voice, "shoe..shoe". I hand her the shoe from the display and she says 'Oh...WOW'. She takes her boot off and tries to put it on and then admires her foot. When the time came to leave and put the shoe back on the display she was more than displeased with life. While crying she was reaching out and between sniffles saying 'sh--ooooooeeee". Poor kid but there was no way I was going to cave as much as I wanted to buy them for her.
-She always wants her hair brushed & cream put on. She grabbed one of her pink crayons and tried to put it on me like it was lipstick. She swiped my lips a few times and said 'oh and awww'.
-I got a massive hair-cut this weekend (I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT) and the minute Kailey saw me she had to inspect it and, thankfully, she gave me her approval. It is a layered bob about chin length. I will post some pictures at some point.
-She thinks by holding the nail clippers to her toes and making a clicking noise she is actually giving herself a pedicure.
-She has her third canine. Still waiting for the final one and it is being rather stubborn. The poor kid has a rash and she is still fighting her cold.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Cool find.

Why can I not think of these things? Genius...if you ask me.
I will write a review when I get the goods.
Here is the link:
Poor Kailey Bear..achoooo...sniffle..sniffle
Jack gets back from Florida...
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