I love how excited Kailey gets when Jack gets home from being away. He was in the thriving metropolis of Wainwright last week and she was all smiles and wanted hugs when he got back. She is wearing the cute outfit from her Auntie Heather, Uncle Colin & Cousin Robbie (phew, that is a mouth full) gave her

for Easter. The pearls are an added touch of bling that she wanted to wear. I love dressing her up pretty for Jack.
She is already developing her own sense of 'style'. She picked out these 'spectacular' shoes the other day. No matter what other shoes I showed her she shook her head 'no' and pointed to the heavily jeweled Mary Jane runners...YIKES. They are outrageous to say the least and she is extremely impressed with them. I will take some pictures if I can figure out a way to not have and overexposure - yes, they are that loud...hahaha. Another staple to her outfits are sunglasses worn backwards. She adopted my pair and takes them everywhere we go. Basically she is a total crack up and I find myself laughing my guts out several times through out the day.

She was a major ham today at the mall. I let her wander around and whenever she would get someone attention she would put her hands on her knees and fake giggle with her bum in the air. She is becoming quite well known in our little mall. The older ladies just love her and one lady taught her to blow kisses today. Another lady told her how pretty she looked and she cocked her head to one side and gave this cheesy crooked grin. SHE IS GOING TO BE A CLASS CLOWN FOR SURE. The main consensus was that she is full of zest, beans and energy. That is very true. I took her for a walk outside yesterday with her little doggy harness backpack and leash thing-a-ma-bob and am I ever thankful I did that. Picture the most disobedient puppy and then multiply it by 1000 and you have the K-bear on a walk around the block. This is the age of discovery and that is a fact. WOW.