What a find. I found a set of Tinkerbell and Friends wall stick-ups. Was she ever excited to see these up on her wall. We are home sick today...again. Mine is mostly asthma and I am sure hoping hers is just a cold versus allergies and asthma too. She is in good spirits but she made it very clear that she wanted to stay with me today. I brought her to Kim's this am and she hugged her and then told me that she was going to cry soon...ok...she said she wanted to go back in the car and see her blankie and binky. She wanted a 'coffee' and a bagel so we grabbed some on the way back. At least there is no guessing with her. She had a good sleep last night, but she went down for a nap at 11 and is still out. Hopefully she sleeps this off. She did have a blast at Sheltie Sunday yesterday. Jackie got a new puppy so she was in heaven. :-)