What a great...fabulous...awesome time today. We all were wondering how the city was going to pull off an event this huge at the lake versus the base. I have to say seeing the aerobatics over the water was nothing shy of amazing, I didn't miss the take offs or the static displays like I thought I would. We had a few VIP passes thanks to Cubic sponsorship. They put the VIPs in the MD park down by the water. Catering, a live band, tents, free alcohol (obviously didn't matter to me) and tents set up for shade was a perfect combo. :-) Kailey was thrilled from the shuttle ride to the grounds to the enormous amount of food and juice at her disposal. She is having a blast with Nan and Grandpa (actually has become Grandpas cling-on). I have honestly never seen her pack away so much food. She didn't even flinch when the fast jets were over head...you can tell this is a way of life for her living in Cold Lake. She was 2 and a half hours past her nap and she didn't notice. So cute seeing her clapping for the acts. She really liked the little civilian stunt acts...she was all over the yellow jelly belly 1946 'Taylorcraft'. We missed the snowbirds though so I am hoping to catch that show tomorrow along with team rocket.