This was a very exciting day for Kailey. She woke Jack up this morning belting out the Birthday song. She was so excited to pick out his Monkey Birthday card, balloons and candles. ALL day she was asking about the Birthday cake and when that was going to happen. She had to wear a party dress for the occasion as well. :-)
We also picked up a crib and changing table today. We chose an espresso color so it can be for either a girl or boy. We have names picked out as well and a paint scheme if it is a girl. So excited that Jack is able to pretty well create anything we dream up. I love Kailey's room so much and I was pretty pumped to find something similar (chair rail) but still very unique. YAY.
On a less than positive note, I am not having the best of times sleeping right now (read that as 2-3 hours/night) and that adds to my already less than perky demeanor. Not that I am uncomfortable really, but I toss and turn and cannot turn my brain off. This is an awesome pregnancy with respect to no bed rest or spotting, but there are massive challenges in other respects. I am sooooo drained and sometimes so annoyed/emotional I don't even recognize myself.