I just had to share these pictures taken of Kailey today. She is really taken with her hands. She thinks all good things come from those long fingered mitts of hers. She finds in necessary to 'assist' me when I am feeding her and trying to change her. She thinks that milk and her vitamin D drops come from them I am sure. What is so unreal and amazing to me is the fact that in her ultrasounds she was doing these exact same things with her hands.
I am totally amazed that she is here. I was looking back through my calendar and I have every week marked as a countdown to my due date and she is here...she really is here. What is very cool is the fact that when she was inside me she would wake me up between 10pm-3am with her kicking and moving about and sure enough, she is on the same schedule now. I would like to change that up a bit though, but she is good as gold during the day so I really cannot complain.

Jack and I bathed her tonight (sponge bath with a shampoo). She was awesome, although she was in a 'milk coma'. She only got fussy when I was washing her belly but other that that she was staring at herself and us in the mirror. I was a one man pit crew after the bath...diaper...vaseline...pink onsie...pink sleeper...swaddle in a blankie...hand off to Jack for rocking....BOOM!!! VOMIT all over. At least I am getting practice doing speed changes. ;-)
All for now as she is about to come alive and I have to entertain her...somehow.