Welcome to Kailey's Brag space!
I decided that I need to start posting updates as everyone is so far away and things change at a rapid rate I am already finding. This space will hopefully bridge the distance a little bit until we can meet and share real hugs and moments. :-( I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful support core of friends and family in my life and I need each and every one of you. I do believe it takes a village to raise a child and I only hope that she will become a part of your lives and will depend and find comfort in your voice and hugs. I love our little girl with every ounce of my being and it grows stronger each day. I find myself with a new sense of calm and peace that I have never known. Even when she is bellowing most of the night I enjoy her and laugh at all faces she makes. I look forward to the night time feeding even though I am half asleep and fumbling around like a fool and she gets impatient with me.....she just had to take after me in that area...poor Jack is all I have to say. 
Thank you again for all your support during the entire process thus far. I thank my Mom from the bottom of my heart for being there and holding it together for me when I was losing it. I only hope I can do this for Kailey one day.
Shari & Baby Kailey