She will be 6 weeks old tonight at exactly 8:08pm. Can you believe that 6 weeks have gone by already?! WOW!!

I will not write about the awful night we had because whinning about it won't help and I am hoping to forget how little sleep I actually got last night. Lets just say she threw a party for herself and the guest list consisted of me and Marley :-(. I know exactly what happened and believe me it will not happen again. Live and Learn. Sleeping ALL DAY=UP ALL NIGHT.
I took these today so they are hot of the press and the most up to date you can get. I had to put the headband on to hold back all that hair otherwise you couldn't see her face...hahahaha.
I will post more later when I accomplish the following:
1) take a shower
2) eat for the first time today (it is 1:15pm)
3) try to have a nap
Love Shari and Wild Women aka Kailey bear