I tried with one hand to get a picture of Kailey crashed out on my chest. I guess there is one thing that the girls are good for if nothing else...pillows.
She was back on track schedule wise last night and we all are much happier. She ate at 10:30pm and didn't start to stir until 3:30am and then again at 6:30am. She always falls back to sleep until around 8:30am and then she is usually up for the day.
On an different note...
Jack picked up a Christmas tree from the lot at Extra Foods and it reminds me of the tree from National Lampoons....it is huge!!!! As it thaws I am getting more and more nervous. It is very
nice and full so it will look amazing when we decorate tomorrow we just won't be able to use the front room...hahaha. It really is not that bad but it required a fairly substantial hair cut just to get it to fit. I will definitly take some pictures of it.

I am so thrilled we have Kailey for Christmas. I remember thinking last Christmas how empty and lonely I was feeling, like there was a void in my heart. I desparately wanted to have a baby in my arms or to feel a baby moving inside me. Christmas can be so emotional and sometimes it is sadness that overtakes. Not this year!!! I am welling up just thinking about holding her and being around family and all the season's trimmings. ;-)
Ta ta for now.