OMG is all I have to say. She had an awful day yesterday. She started barfing from about 3:30 pm until bedtime, which was around 9pm. She must have thrown up at least 15 times until there was nothing left in her except bile. It was so awful. I ended up stripping her to her diaper and running to the sink when she started to heave. She went to bed with absolutely nothing in her as she threw her last bottle up around 8:30pm. She was in pain as there was nothing left in her. This all happened after she drank some water from a new sippy/straw cup. I know water couldn't do this but I think that got the ball rolling maybe. Words cannot begin to describe this. Of course, Jack had to attend another after work dinner thing so I was flying solo until about 8:00pm. I handed her to him and she barfed all over him and unfortunately Parker got hit hard with, what looked like, 4 L of vomit. He had to have an emergency bath on top of everything. So, this bottle issue either has progressed into this or she has a flu bug. My guess is the latter. She was white as a ghost and had a constant stream of tears running from her. She was cold so I ended up wrapping her in blankets and just sitting with her all afternoon. I knew what to look for ref. dehydration from the last time she went to Emerg. She had a bone dry diaper this morning, but she managed to drink a 6 oz. bottle and keep that down so far. She slept from 9pm-7:30pm so that shows how tired she was, but I was a wreck and kept waking up with my heart racing and a horrible feeling in my stomach. When I would race in to check on her she was sound asleep. I thought I heard her crying. Then at 4am the Angel Care started beeping and I literally fell out of bed running to the nursery. She had herself tucked in a little ball in the far corner so she was off the sensor...ahhhhhh. Ok, I am not wanting to re-live this any longer so here are some cute/new things:
1/She rode in a shopping cart like a big girl for the first time yesterday as we needed to make an emergency trip to Wal-Mart for diapers. I thought I had another bag of them...nope. She had one left!!! She was thinking she was pretty cool sitting up there, but at the end of the trip she was getting tired so she was a little whiny as she is used to being able to kick back and have a little power snooze in the stroller. She did like the attention she received in the check out line though. hahaha She was also not feeling good apparently. :-(
2/I found the coolest (yes, that is a word) sippy/straw combo that she took to right away. Nuby makes it and the spout is very soft silicone and it is wider than the average straw. It has a variable control valve thing that she can vary the flow with how hard she sucks. She loooves it. Too many parts for my liking, but whatever works. It also has a slide cover to keep the straw clean. She literally sucked once and had it down perfectly. She sat in the Bumbo sipping away and then she barfed. :-(
3/She is talking up a storm. Her new 'words': Num..Num..Num. Nam, Nam, Nam. Mon, Mon, Mon. Notice there is everything but Mom? She did say it once and I totally flipped out and scared her so I am thinking that one will take a while. She says most of her words in the high chair while she is eating.
Well, she is napping so the smart thing would be to do the same so that is all for now.
p.s. if this had nothing to do with her regular bottle problem, I owe Janelle a big tall honkin' girly drink of her choice for suggesting this brand of formula. I will also give the Doc a big kiss the next time I see him for suggesting a lower iron formula (maybe not a kiss, but I will be very happy).