We had a great day. We went to the beach and she had a blast in the swings. She was introduced to sand and lake water for the first time. She slapped the water and quickly pulled her hand back and gave me a shocked look like, 'why is it not warm like the bath mom? and where are all my rubber ducks?' She spent most the the time in the swings and when she started to get tired we went back to the marina to watch the boats. She drifted off and I got myself an Iced Cap...couldn't resist. You can tell it is tourist season. There were quite a few people out walking so she met a bunch of people and was totally impressed by a 19 month old girl named Hailey who had these fancy beads on...hahaha. She got to wear an outfit I picked out for her before she was born (12 mth size - lucky I pulled it out to try it on). Bell bottoms...hahaha.
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A view of the public beach & the paved walking trail

A view of the public beach & the paved walking trail