We just got back from her shots and I am pleased to report that it was so very different than last time. She was totally happy and trying to impress the Nurse with her talking. It was a new Nurse this time and Kailey loved her, and so did I. She was awesome!!!! Kailey sat on my lap amusing herself and tried to participate in the conversation by squealing and doing her deep raspy laughing. She, of course, cried when the needles went in and it was so loud I could feel my ear drums popping. She recovered from the three needles very quickly and was back to 'talking' and smiling while we had to wait for 15 minutes to make sure there were no immediate reactions. This Nurse was the best I have seen or spoken to. She was totally helpful and so sweet to Kailey. She went over her and mentioned in passing that she has a flat spot but didn't make a big deal about it at all like the other one did. She told us that we are lucky to have such a good little sleeper even if she chooses to sleep flat on the back of her head. She really wants to help try and figure out her eating issues so she took a whole bunch of notes and is going to talk to the older Nurses to try to find something out. She was so positive about everything. She didn't chart her on the growth graphs so I didn't have to hear about how 'huge' she is. She told Kailey how cute & how gorgeous she was, so that had Kailey doing her head-cocking, eye rolling, silent squeal routine. All in all, a very good appointment. Phew.