This weekend I worked the Dog Show (as in people running around in a circle with their dog on display so some 'expert' can pick a dog that is closest to the breed 'Standard' and best represents the breed. The breed winners are put in group - working, herding..ect and then the group winners are in the ring to try to win the coveted Best In Show.) Did I bore you or confuse you yet? I got to play with some very sweet Sheltie puppies and some other cute dogs. This meant Jack was on K-Bear duty Friday, Saturday and this afternoon. They spent a ton of time together so that was excellent for both of them. She was one happy little girl as Daddy spoiled her with a movie, a new hat and a cute pair of shades. Kailey loves Jack's red Angels hat and he just happen to find a little red hat that says 'little angel' on it!! TOO PERFECT. Jack brought her to see me yesterday and she was very excited to see all the dogs. She got a ton of attention and people were touching her like crazy but as long as she was watching the dogs she was very much accepting of all the thigh rubs, cheek squeezing and hand holding. I really missed her so I am glad the show is over.