Char, Ron and Julie came camping Monday and left this morning. What a blast we had with them and it was so cool to now have Miss Kailey here to participate in the activities. Last year when they came camping it looked like I was hiding a watermelon in my shirt and here she is. She was quite the trooper and, once again, she impressed me with how adaptable she is.

There were some days that we got to the campsite at 3pm and stayed until after 10pm. She was quite content to sit on a blanket with some toys on the beach and watch all the goings on. She had all her meals in her stroller and crashed out at her usual bedtime with her binky and her blankets while we hung out around the fire. She woke up smiling and when it was time to go and went right to bed when we got home. Nan (my Mom) came back with me from Edmonton and stayed until Wednesday so we had a ton of fun especially when we took her to Clark's for lunch with us and she was waving at the waitresses and staring down this cute little boy at the table next to us. I got to have a 'girl's night' with Julie which I will remember forever and was introduced to the phenomenon that has taken over pre-teens/teenagers called 'High School Musical'.