Monday Jack's parents came from Anaheim California to visit Miss K and Tuesday Ryan (Jack's Brother) came from Little Rock Arkansas to meet his Niece for the first time. Grandma and Grandpa just left for home with many tears shed. Uncle Ryan is staying until Tuesday. Kailey is truly one lucky girl to have so many people in her life that love her to pieces. We had the most amazing visit and Kailey immediately warmed up to everyone so we didn't have to get through the 'playing shy' stage at all. Our visit was spent with trips to the swings, a day at the beach, visits to the Marina and a special family supper at Clarks. Kailey was a trooper for it all. She loves her family and it saddens me to be so far away from everyone. I guess it makes the time spent together all the more memorable. She showed them everything cool that she does from summoning the dolphins (high pitch squeals) to her deep throaty laughs. It was a pleasure to have them and I am very excited to find out that they are going to try to make it for Kailey's one year Birthday party in Edmonton....yahooooo!!!!