It has been too long since the last post and there are some exciting developments to report that you will find at the end of the post.

Saturday my Dad and Diane came to Cold Lake to give Kailey her Birthday presents and to drop off a swing set, sandbox and some toys that they will not be taking with them to their new residence. First up was setting up the swing set and letting K-bear test drive it. She wasn't t

oo sure at first since it is different than the ones at the park that she is used to. She was also trying to figure out what this was doing in her yard. It didn't take her long before she was grinning and gabbing. She was having a ton of fun and loved all the attention that Gido and Grandma gave her. She was full of giggles and was excited to the nth degree when she opened up her gifts. Her favorite item was the Zebra bouncer toy...she couldn't believe her eyes!!! Thank you so much for making the trip and for all the gifts that Kailey is loving.

Saturday night, after family left, it was off to Connor's first Birthday party (her little friend who is the same age). She was pretty excited on the way there as it was her first time facing forward in the car. She is not quite a year old, but she is too long for rear facing as her feet are able to touch the back of the seat which is dangerous should we get into an accident. She thought she was pretty special sitting up high and able to see where we were going. As soon as we got in the door she spotted Connor and after a quick reunion, they were off playing with his new toys. She wasn't phased at all by all the strangers and actually latched on to one of the husbands for whatever reason. hahaha. She was having so much fun, but we could see that she was running out of steam around 8:30pm when she stopped playing and stared off into space so we headed for home.

Sunday morning Kailey and I were out the door by 9:30am on our way to Edmonton for Thanksgiving. We arrived at lunch time and had a quick bite and K-bear has some cuddles with her Nan and we were off to West Edmonton Mall. This was the first time we took Kailey there and she was in her element with all the noise and people to stare at. She looooved Chapters and was grabbing as many books as she could (yikes). She thought the Flamingo's were neat and she managed to fall asleep in time for Mom and I to have a nice supper at Tony Roma's. We ordered her a Grilled Cheese for when she woke up. She let us eat our supper and she woke up hungry and not at all freaked out that she was somewhere new yet again. Monday was the big Thanksgiving meal at Auntie Char, Uncle Ron's & Cousin Julie's house so we were on the road again.

Her little outfit, which was a royal pain to put on due to all the steps involved (jean dress, tights, onsie, panties, sweater and boots), was only on her for about 15 minutes before she barfed on herself in the car...lovely. Her 'new' Thanksgiving outfit then consisted of nothing more than a diaper...oooo lala. She got to try some Turkey, stuffing and some other new things. I took some great pictures of Kailey and Auntie Char wearing the same hat that my Nan made (sweet hat with puppy ears) , but I erased them by accident. Char, I am sure, it not saddened my that...hahaha. I could write a novel and/or a comedy sketch with all the things that happened to me, but I think I will end it here while I still have some dignity left.
-she is doing stairs by herself...over and over again until you are ready to pull your hair out.
-she is pulling herself up on everything from the coffee table to her diaper bag - some attempts more successful than others, but she is learning. She is taking steps from the coffee table to the couch.
-she has 2 new teeth on the top and two more almost through on the bottom. She has 6 teeth now.
-she had her first hamburger last night and loved it. The burger was shaped like Mickey Mouse and had cheese through it so how could she not like it?
-I am back to work tomorrow...a year has gone by already. I am going in for 7:30 and will be home by noon every day.
It would appear that this kid will just wake up some mornings and decide to hit these milestones without any lead up. One minute we are all worried about her knees and lack of movement and now she is ready to take her first steps. At least there is never a dull moment. Dr. Stander called to tell me that her x-rays came back normal, but as a precaution he still wants her to see a specialist. I guess it can't hurt but the popping has greatly subsided likely due to the fact they are getting a massive workout now.
Phew....there is the quick version of the last week or so. See you at her party.
Hugs and Kisses.