For the last few days I have been busy taking pictures of Kailey for her big one year that is coming up this month...already. She has been a trooper that's for sure and I am pretty excited with the results. Jackie lent me her camera for this (very fancy Sony) so I have been click happy. I wanted a variety to choose from so we have been several places outdoors, but my most favorite are the ones taken in the house...I looove them. I just have to decide which one(s) to pick.
On another note...
This is the second time that Kailey decided she didn't need a second nap. I am totally wiped out. I think she was very excited playing in the leaves during our afternoon outing mixed with getting her home an hour and a half later than usual for her nap...my bad. S
he crashed on the way home from the park and I guess she figured that was good enough. She is really into strawberries right now and I have to cut her off because I am sure she would make herself sick if I let her. She should have her 5th tooth in the nest couple of days...it is so close. She is still sporting a 'snaggle tooth' on the top. The one beside it is slowly catching up, but it makes for some funny smiles. Not sure if this is even coherent as I am drained and finishing some Sangria but I wanted to check in and post some pictures that didn't make the cut, but are cute just the same. :-) I also wanted to show off her new boots.