Miss K was getting up far too early for my liking for about a week and I read online that if you put babies to bed too late, unlike adults, they will likely get up earlier due to over-stimulation throughout the day. It is actually true - within reason. I pushed her bedtime back by an hour and a half and she is back sleeping approx. 11 hours straight...phew. Also...no naps after 4pm. She is changing things up on me to keep it interesting I guess. hahaha. I do like having some 'me time' at the end of the day so I am liking this new routine She is really into 'finger foods' right now. She loves banana chunks, pear, watermelon and she just tried steamed baby carrots and whole wheat noodles. She is a little off in her aim when she feeds herself so the dogs get a treat and I get witness a scene like you would see from an National Geographic episode.

Look at her toupee/yamika of hair!
She has a ton of hair, but only in one spot.

Look at her looong legs!!!