She had fun eating lunch the other day. She is into sticking her nose into the spoon of food for whatever reason. She also has decided that pureed meat is nasty so that is lovely considering I have enough turkey and chicken to last a month in the freezer. She likes her meat shredded/chopped up into bits and then she will eat everything. She is really liking the idea of finger foods. Her lunch yesterday consisted of bits of chicken, banana, mild cheddar and some beans in a jar. She likes the idea of chewing and her second tooth is finally catching up to her other bottom one so maybe that will help. She makes some really interesting faces now - like an old man without his dentures in. I guess her teeth feel weird to her so she is exploring.
I learned another lesson. Do not leave the bags of groceries in arms reach (I thought they were out of reach, but she has these elastic superpower arms apparently). She was very quiet so I

looked in the rear view mirror at her in her and she was hugging a loaf of fresh bread from the bakery like it was a stuffed animal. She then proceeded to squish the entire loaf while making these deep throaty laughs. There was nothing I could do but watch my nice loaf be destroyed while I drove on.