I took Kailey to the Dr this morning because for the last week or so I have been really noticing popping & jerkiness in her knees. She is not in pain with it at all, but I wanted to get it checked out. Her Doctor (who she is scared of now for some reason) checked her range of motion in her knees and didn't feel the clicking. He asked if she is crawling and pulling herself up and trying to walk. He saw the way she is crawling (dragging her left leg and scooting her bum along) and was concerned as well as when I told him that she is not pulling herself up yet as the same leg is almost stuck underneath her. He sent her down for hip and knee x-rays. He is wondering if it is a hip issue because of the fact that she still has the fat roll in her groin & hip problems can carry down the leg affecting the knees. He also said that it could be weak ligaments. Basically I am waiting for a phone call if this needs immediate attention or he will discuss it further at her next appointment. At this stage (by 10 months actually) if they are not pulling themselves up they begin to investigate why. So I guess I wait and see. Two hours later...yuck. I had to wake her up in the middle of her nap to go so I was kind of holding my breath, but she woke up with giggles...phew.
Can you believe that it took three adults to hold her down for the hip x-rays?! We all worked up a sweat and they commented on how strong she is. The tech also commented on her knees and how they were popping like crazy when she was wrestling with her. Kailey was not amused at all when I had to basically lie on top of her upper body to keep her from escaping off the exam table. Man oh Man she is one crazy chick. She loved the nurses as they were wearing jewelry. She gently ( it can go either way) checked it all out and laughed and gabbed to them. They loved her.