Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Pic of the day

Tall order for first thing in the morning...
She wakes and up tells me she wants to wear a, 'Twirly Twirly and dancing Shoes'. Translation: Dress and strappy shoes.
On another note...at 3am I heard a loud thump and then a cry. I ran into the bedroom and she was standing on the floor with her blanket wrapped around her like a towel and she says, 'Oh-No, Kailey fell down'. She has never fallen out of bed until now. I hugged her and asked her if she was OK and she says...'yeah' in a tone like duh?, of course I am you over-protective freak. Nice. I checked on her a couple of times and she was fine. She is pretty excited about the airshow this weekend even though she think that she will be riding in a 'holly-copter' and an 'areoplane'. hahaha.
On another note...at 3am I heard a loud thump and then a cry. I ran into the bedroom and she was standing on the floor with her blanket wrapped around her like a towel and she says, 'Oh-No, Kailey fell down'. She has never fallen out of bed until now. I hugged her and asked her if she was OK and she says...'yeah' in a tone like duh?, of course I am you over-protective freak. Nice. I checked on her a couple of times and she was fine. She is pretty excited about the airshow this weekend even though she think that she will be riding in a 'holly-copter' and an 'areoplane'. hahaha.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Been Busy

Here are some pictures of Kailey's new play area. All her books were rounded up and in a book case in her room along with some baskets of toys. Her table and chair set is in the kitchen again. Her beloved Pirate Ship is on the the side of the basement by the TV.

Friday, July 24, 2009
Cool Dance Video
I just loooved this strange routine from last night's 100th episode of 'So you think you can Dance?'.
I just loooved this strange routine from last night's 100th episode of 'So you think you can Dance?'.
'mommy you are big there'
There being my tummy area. hmmmmmm.
I was getting ready for work this morning and she came up for hug and all I was wearing was my undies and she tapped my stomach and told me that I am bigger. She kept poking me and looked confused. I told her for the first time that there was a baby growing in there. Kailey says, 'Get it out'. Hmmmm, maybe should have worded it differently. I said, 'No Kailey, this is how babies grow until they are finished and can come out.'. She is thinking: Like a flippin pop tart or the Waffles Mom just made for me in the toaster. She said, 'all done, can come out now'. So I tried this approach: 'Kailey you are going to be a big sister like Robbie is a big brother to Lana'. 'oooooooo, ok Mommy, Lana in there?'. So needless to say I abandoned ship on this one for now and we played with her mag'na' doodle. YIKES.
I was getting ready for work this morning and she came up for hug and all I was wearing was my undies and she tapped my stomach and told me that I am bigger. She kept poking me and looked confused. I told her for the first time that there was a baby growing in there. Kailey says, 'Get it out'. Hmmmm, maybe should have worded it differently. I said, 'No Kailey, this is how babies grow until they are finished and can come out.'. She is thinking: Like a flippin pop tart or the Waffles Mom just made for me in the toaster. She said, 'all done, can come out now'. So I tried this approach: 'Kailey you are going to be a big sister like Robbie is a big brother to Lana'. 'oooooooo, ok Mommy, Lana in there?'. So needless to say I abandoned ship on this one for now and we played with her mag'na' doodle. YIKES.
What is AdSENSE - adds on my site?
A lot of people are asking me what is with the adds on my BLOG now. I signed up for this so they are allowed/supposed to be there. Basically what google offers is a way for people to make money by allowing companies to advertise on your website. This is legit and if there is a link to the right that interests you click it and you will be brought to the article or site and I will make some money for every click you make. At the top of my site is a google search engine so you can surf while keeping my site up. The sites advertised are geared toward the main content on my site....so kids and dogs. You may see the odd Septic tank add since I have posted about the dream acreage. lol
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hormones=Hairy Cows & The Sound of Music
Believe it or not, the above equation not only makes sense, but is the bizarre reality of my life right now. By the end of this post the above title will be crystal clear, or maybe you will think me insane. I have been feeling antsy, like the walls are closing in on me here...here can be anything from the living room where I am sitting right now to Cold Lake as a whole. Not sure why I feel this way, but it is as real as the pimple on my nose. I have had these crazy bursts of energy and want to re-model and re-organize to make more space. All this while Jack sits there with this, 'Oh dear God' look on his face the poor fella. Kailey loves these short lived energy bursts since she is always charged up and wanting action. So for whatever reason I decided to check out the mls site to see what our house is worth now since there has been a slight decline in the market here. While looking at this site I can across this lovely acreage down below. I was drawn to it immediately. Jack was watching TV while I was on a 'virtual tour' of this house he says: 'Ummm, what are you doing? Looking at other peoples houses and wishing?.' Yeah pretty well. Well the curiosity got the better of me and while we were out and about Saturday I decided to drive by this property....Jack is a patient man. Country roads are a LOT different than easily navigated city streets and avenues. We finally found it and unfortunately I loved it more. Poor Jack. I drove by it again later with him, once with Jackie and once with Brad. Do I hate my house...OH MY GOODNESS...NOOOOO!!!! on the contrary, I love my house and am very proud of the work we have done around here. So why then? That was Jacks question? I told him that I don't really like having neighbors, like the freedom of open space, love the size of the house, love the outdoors, feel congested here. I drive out to the fields almost everyday and love walking with Kailey while she picks wild flowers and watching the dogs run free...ahhhhh....my Zen. He sums up my explanations and says, 'So, you want to have 5 acres to walk around while singing the hills are alive with the sound of Mu-usic.' I died laughing. I guess if you have land you need a purpose like horses, crops and livestock. Somehow this all came up at work and one of the guys lives out that way and told Jack that the neighbours have Bison and that explains the other selling feature - hardcore fencing that would keep all my hounds safe. hahaha...Jack says to me last night, 'so while you are walking and singing you may come across a hairy cow in the field.' Hairy cows? I was talking to Brad at work and was wondering why the sudden unexplained need to break 'free' and FINALLY, with his help, I figured it out...PREGNANCY HORMONES!!!! His sister moved three times all while she was pregnant. While I love the idea of living in the country, it is not a smart move for us at this point. Jack being away and me alone in the woods with 2 little kiddies having to somehow remove snow and cut massive amounts of grass and pray the septic/sump stays working (seems that is always an issue with country living). Maybe now I can give it up and start dreaming about other things for Jack to renovate...tee hee.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
blog layout
I signed up for adsense so those adds you see to the right are meant to be there. :-)
I had to add this picture of Shilo...look at how much weight he is losing on his restricted diet!! I think he could do an 'Extreme Makeover Doggy' if you ask me. If you look closely though he is licking the dog bed in hopes one of the other dogs left some bone residue or something. A little nip...a little tuck...lifestyle change and he is red carpet ready!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sorry for the long delay, but here is the first picture of baby. Based on the measurements my due date remains the same: January 11. I will be going for another u/s in 5 weeks as it was too early to see some of the things they need to see like the chambers of the heart. I am guessing that he sent me this early due to the miscarriage I had...not sure, but I was so happy to see such an active little baby in there! I was very nervous about this appointment, even though I heard a heart beat and am showing, so I was happy to have my SIL there for support. I was so worried about doing this alone and finding out, like last time, that there was no baby. I was alone for that one and sobbing in the hospital bathroom by yourself is devastating and humiliating. Jack will be able to come for the next one I am hoping. Having to come to Edmonton for a routine ultrasound is crazy, but we lost one of our girls to medical leave and they haven't found a replacement. This was a quick trip, but I was able to see my sweet niece and nephew after the ultrasound..man I love them. Also seeing Kailey be so sweet with Lana made me so proud and excited for her to be a big sister. She is still talking about how she helped her when she was crying. Made a huge impression on her. I am so ticked that I didn't get any pictures though...grrrr.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Shilo Update.

A couple of Kailey'isms
Kailey tells me:
'mommy you are not cute'...gee, thanks kid, then she follows it up with, 'You are GORGEOUS!'.
Kailey tells me after her bath:
'Kailey doesn't have big boobies she has small boobies.' What?
Walking into the garage she says:
'This garage stinky...yuck... it smells like soup.'
'mommy you are not cute'...gee, thanks kid, then she follows it up with, 'You are GORGEOUS!'.
Kailey tells me after her bath:
'Kailey doesn't have big boobies she has small boobies.' What?
Walking into the garage she says:
'This garage stinky...yuck... it smells like soup.'
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Heart Beat!!!!!
I went for my check up today and I was lucky enough to hear a strong heart beat. I was so thrilled to hear that wonderful thump-thump-thump. 150 bpm. I now feel like I am 'allowed' to be excited now. No weight gain since the last visit, but my BP is high. 155/84. I am not really concerned since I always wind myself up in these appointments plus I had the surprise that this was a "FULL"meal deal type of appointment...lovely. I don't remember having a complete physical this early on, but lucky me. :-) Ultrasound is Monday and I feel so much better going into this appointment after hearing the heart beat. There really really is a baby growing in there!!!!
I went for my check up today and I was lucky enough to hear a strong heart beat. I was so thrilled to hear that wonderful thump-thump-thump. 150 bpm. I now feel like I am 'allowed' to be excited now. No weight gain since the last visit, but my BP is high. 155/84. I am not really concerned since I always wind myself up in these appointments plus I had the surprise that this was a "FULL"meal deal type of appointment...lovely. I don't remember having a complete physical this early on, but lucky me. :-) Ultrasound is Monday and I feel so much better going into this appointment after hearing the heart beat. There really really is a baby growing in there!!!!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Great weekend.

-We had a great weekend. She got to see Gido and Grandma Diane. She was so excited and when it was time for them to leave she didn't take it very well. Luckily the LKOC dog show is in town so off we went to cheer Jackie on and to distract her from the fact that she couldn't go with them . We missed her in the ring, but she was happy to hang out with her and a TON of dogs.
-Jack is picking Shilo up as I type and will be home tonight...yahoooo. He is on a restricted 1/2 cup food/day for the next month and they will re-check his levels. Cannot imagine Shilo on that little of food, but they stressed the importance of it so he will have to find his Zen.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Sheebee, ShyGuy aka Shilo
POOR SHILO. We have been taking Shilo with us to the field with the girls so Kailey can walk a dog on a leash. She loves walking him and it keeps her on the trail and he gets some much needed exercise. We went out Monday and got home around 2 and by 5 that night Jack was petting him and he had a softball size mass on his belly close to his privates. While I telephoned the Vet here(useless a-holes they are) it was getting bigger. They couldn't see me until Friday afternoon, so off to Lloydminster we went. They did an x-ray, took blood, catheterized him for a urinalysis, took needle aspirates of the area and did an ultrasound. They had to refer him to a specialist as it appeared that there is a hole in abdominal wall and his insides are coming out of it...yuck. They think that it is a Inguinal Hernia that needs to be closed surgically and as fast as possible. They will put his guts (this case it is fat rather than intestines...for now anyway) back in through the hole and either stitch the hole up or put a mesh over it - think patching a hole in drywall. Poor guy. Jack, bless his heart, offered to drive him 5 hours to Saskatoon to the Vet college for a better ultrasound and surgery. He left to pick him up from Lloyd. around 10 and then is carrying on to Saskatoon from there. He is stable, but his lump is huge now...poor guy. He is so patient with everything - I think he is in shut down mind you, but he was an ideal patient for us Monday night. I got to play Vet assistant since this was an after hours visit. Poooor Kailey doesn't understand what is going on and she is constantly asking about him. 'poor shilo has an owie on his belly'. 'kailey put a band-aid on him and he feels better?'. 'shilo at the doctor...he getting poked'. She grabbed her play stethoscope on yesterday morning and said she was going to fix him....she went looking for him. :0( Lucky there is a college like Saskatoon as the cost they quoted me in Edmonton was outrageous to say the least. This was just awful thinking I would have had to put a price on his life...I felt like someone was kicking me in the gut. They are 80% certain this is a hernia, even though they couldn't find a hole in Lloyd, this is operable with a great success rate...there is chance they will open him up and it is not repairable, but I am not thinking about that right now...or trying not to anyway. I will update the blog as I hear anything. He is a member of the family and has been for 7 years so I am worried...as much as he annoys me sometimes...I love that furball. :-( So does Kailey. Jack....not so much...hahaha. That is why it is amazing he is doing this for me.
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