Sorry for the long delay, but here is the first picture of baby. Based on the measurements my due date remains the same: January 11. I will be going for another u/s in 5 weeks as it was too early to see some of the things they need to see like the chambers of the heart. I am guessing that he sent me this early due to the miscarriage I had...not sure, but I was so happy to see such an active little baby in there! I was very nervous about this appointment, even though I heard a heart beat and am showing, so I was happy to have my SIL there for support. I was so worried about doing this alone and finding out, like last time, that there was no baby. I was alone for that one and sobbing in the hospital bathroom by yourself is devastating and humiliating. Jack will be able to come for the next one I am hoping. Having to come to Edmonton for a routine ultrasound is crazy, but we lost one of our girls to medical leave and they haven't found a replacement. This was a quick trip, but I was able to see my sweet niece and nephew after the ultrasound..man I love them. Also seeing Kailey be so sweet with Lana made me so proud and excited for her to be a big sister. She is still talking about how she helped her when she was crying. Made a huge impression on her. I am so ticked that I didn't get any pictures though...grrrr.