Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hormones=Hairy Cows & The Sound of Music
Believe it or not, the above equation not only makes sense, but is the bizarre reality of my life right now. By the end of this post the above title will be crystal clear, or maybe you will think me insane. I have been feeling antsy, like the walls are closing in on me here...here can be anything from the living room where I am sitting right now to Cold Lake as a whole. Not sure why I feel this way, but it is as real as the pimple on my nose. I have had these crazy bursts of energy and want to re-model and re-organize to make more space. All this while Jack sits there with this, 'Oh dear God' look on his face the poor fella. Kailey loves these short lived energy bursts since she is always charged up and wanting action. So for whatever reason I decided to check out the mls site to see what our house is worth now since there has been a slight decline in the market here. While looking at this site I can across this lovely acreage down below. I was drawn to it immediately. Jack was watching TV while I was on a 'virtual tour' of this house he says: 'Ummm, what are you doing? Looking at other peoples houses and wishing?.' Yeah pretty well. Well the curiosity got the better of me and while we were out and about Saturday I decided to drive by this property....Jack is a patient man. Country roads are a LOT different than easily navigated city streets and avenues. We finally found it and unfortunately I loved it more. Poor Jack. I drove by it again later with him, once with Jackie and once with Brad. Do I hate my house...OH MY GOODNESS...NOOOOO!!!! on the contrary, I love my house and am very proud of the work we have done around here. So why then? That was Jacks question? I told him that I don't really like having neighbors, like the freedom of open space, love the size of the house, love the outdoors, feel congested here. I drive out to the fields almost everyday and love walking with Kailey while she picks wild flowers and watching the dogs run free...ahhhhh....my Zen. He sums up my explanations and says, 'So, you want to have 5 acres to walk around while singing the hills are alive with the sound of Mu-usic.' I died laughing. I guess if you have land you need a purpose like horses, crops and livestock. Somehow this all came up at work and one of the guys lives out that way and told Jack that the neighbours have Bison and that explains the other selling feature - hardcore fencing that would keep all my hounds safe. hahaha...Jack says to me last night, 'so while you are walking and singing you may come across a hairy cow in the field.' Hairy cows? I was talking to Brad at work and was wondering why the sudden unexplained need to break 'free' and FINALLY, with his help, I figured it out...PREGNANCY HORMONES!!!! His sister moved three times all while she was pregnant. While I love the idea of living in the country, it is not a smart move for us at this point. Jack being away and me alone in the woods with 2 little kiddies having to somehow remove snow and cut massive amounts of grass and pray the septic/sump stays working (seems that is always an issue with country living). Maybe now I can give it up and start dreaming about other things for Jack to renovate...tee hee.