The reality of baby #2 hit me like a ton of bricks this week. With that comes the need to move things around to make room. Essentially Kailey's play room had to be ripped apart and re-located. I felt major guilt over this and the reality of the situation is that she is much happier with the new arrangement and doesn't miss the old room at all. So I guess I need to get over it now. I cannot believe how fast the days are flying by compared to when I was pregnant with Kailey. The next ultrasound we should be able to tell (fingers crossed) if it is a girl or boy and then Jack will be busy designing a room. My next Dr. appointment is Aug. 07. Seems like I was just there.
Here are some pictures of Kailey's new play area. All her books were rounded up and in a book case in her room along with some baskets of toys. Her table and chair set is in the kitchen again. Her beloved Pirate Ship is on the the side of the basement by the TV.