My little K-bear you are 6 months old today (Technically not until 8:08pm) but close enough. It is 7:35am, this is the exact time that my water broke and my heart started pumping fast with anticipation, fear, excitement and almost every other emotion a new Mom can feel. I remember like it was yesterday. The first time I saw you I thought you had to be the most beautiful little earth angel I had ever seen. In my eyes you were perfection in a tiny pink 7 lbs. body. I haven't stopped thinking you are perfection by the way. I adore you and I so want to be the best Mom in the world to you as you deserve no less. You have filled a hole in my heart that I never even knew existed, for that, I thank you. You have changed so much in the last 6 months and your personality is really starting to emerge. You are my sweet comedian that fills this house with chubby cheek smiles and a roaring laugh. I am sorry it is so hard to feed you sometimes. I sometimes get frustrated when you don't eat, but just know it is because I love you so much and I worry about you. You will make mistakes, fall down and cut your knee open, have your feelings hurt and suffer a broken heart one day, but I want you to know that as much as it will kill me to stand by and watch, I will allow you that freedom to grow. I promise you.
Happy half Birthday little one, your Dad and I love you.