The outfit in the picture is from Roots and I looove it. It is so nice and stretchy for her. Easy to put on and should last a while (fingers crossed).
Today I took some time out for me!!! Imagine that?! I met up with Jackie for coffee and then went to the mall to help her pick out an outfit for her step daughter's Grad. That then turned into lunch!!! I was gone for 5 hours and got a break from 2 feedings and what a
difference that made. I had a blast, I always do when we get together though. When I came home Miss K was in her snugli with Jack watching the Muppets and having a great time. When she took her nap I took little Parker to the club for some training as I am signed up for classes again and I am not sure what furball to take. He did great and it is nice to have another focus other than formula.

She is really quick at rolling over now...as quick as I put her on her tummy she is over. She is getting very strong upper body wise and with the right traction she is able to pull herself forward. My plan is to go to Wally World and pick up some of those rubber puzzle piece mats and set them up in the living room so she can practice her athletics and this will be a ton easier on her little body. I love wood floor but they are not exactly conducive to learning to crawl, sit and roll. Poor thing. They also should be easy to keep clean. I find with all this movement she is more likely to spit up a little bit. She gets to try oatmeal tomorrow...yay. I picked some up today along with a couple of sippy cups with the two handles. I know she is going to love them.
Anyway...fingers are falling off so I will say goodnight. :-)