An Easter package came in the mail from her Grandma and Grandpa and her Great Nana Shirley & G.Grandpa Coy from California. Enclosed were very sweet sun hats and other goodies and the most fancy dress that I have ever seen. It is a 12 month size so it is too big for now...I already tried it on her, but you will not believe it when you see it. Lets just say I will not be feeding her green beans in it...hahaha. I tried to get a picture of her in all the hats but it was a no-go as I pulled her out of her jumperoo for the photos and she obviously was not finished jumping...hahahaha. Thank you very much!!
We got her the foam puzzle piece mats for her to play on and I think these are the best thing ever. They are warm and softer than the wood. We also set up her Peek-a-block set she got from Brad and Sharon and the kids for X'mas. She really likes them. Every block has something different to look at. They taste just fabulous to according to Kailey.
We ended up just going to Wal-Mart this afternoon as it was too chilly to go out walking. She was happy to be out and looking at people and reuniting with her favorite aisle...Rubbermaid totes/storage (?). If she really likes someone she sees she will either blow raspberries their direction or let out her squeal/war cry so that is always entertaining. I love taking her and Parker for a walk and this will definitely be part of our daily routine, weather permitting. I will give the other dogs a chance too. hahaha.