We went for a long walk this afternoon and she was awake for most of it. I bought a clip on shade to extend the canopy of her stroller and it worked pretty well. The next thing to purchase is a UV/bug net as I noticed quite a few flies today...yuck. She prefers to sit totally upright and was examining her running shoes today. Also, if she sees a dog being walked, you can see her little little hands doing the motorcycle thing out the sides of the stroller. When she is very excited she opens and closes her hands while twisting at the wrist like she is revving a bike, it is very cute.
It has been just us gals the last couple of days as Jack has been putting in ridiculous hours at work. Makes for a long day but we are having fun. She is so into cuddles right now. She loves to just sit on my lap for an hour or so and I read to her or we play with her peek-a-blocks. This is a little different than the Kailey that wanted to be strapped into the snugli all day. This is likely a passing phase, but I will take it. She still loves her Jumperoo and we are working on more tummy time. She is very quick with rolling over so I have to be fast with the entertainment. She knows how to move across the floor to get what she wants but I am trying to discourage her chosen method of transportation......the back of her head. *sigh* She crab walks using her feet and her head to get her where she wants to go. Really good for the flat spot. hahaha. Never has been a big fan of the tummy that's for sure, but she is getting better and with the right entertainment, will stay there for a reasonable amount of time.
Here is a quick video of her in the Jumperoo.