Kailey and I got to celebrate Jack's Birthday on the 20th. She was so excited and very 'helpful' when he was unwrapping everything. We went shopping for a week looking for all the stuff I wanted to get so this was a long ordeal, but she was in her element with all the outings. She picked out his card (I gave her a choice of three) and funny enough she picked the Monkey card. She loooooved the tissue paper I wrapped everything in. She was so excited and so snoopy. This was a warm up for her Birthday next month. *gulp...sniff* My little baby girl is going to be one...already.

The very sweet and hip little red and orange outfit is from her Nan. Thanks so much. She will wear this one a ton...so comfortable and easy to put on. They are pulled up to her armpits for now so I am happy about that as her legs are the first thing to grow it seems. Can you believe she is in size 18-24 mths for stuff now?! WOW. She is still wearing her 12 month outfits but some of the pants are starting to look rather capri'ish. She kissed me for the first time (2nd to Connor) yesterday. She reach up with her one hand and opened her mouth like a fish so I lowered my head and she gave me a sloppy open mouth kiss that included some licks too....yu-uck. I was so touched and I practically squeezed the life out of her. How is is possible to love her more and more every second? Unreal.

Kailey still enjoys going for looong walks and it is even better if Jackie and Frasier (collie in the left picture) come along. She is really starting to join in and contribute her thoughts during our conversations. She also likes to help me walk Zoe. I can see her little hand reach out and grab the leash and she lets out a giggle every time. The odd time Zoe will sneak a kiss while we are walking. I am so happy I bought the snuggle bag in the picture. It is so easy to install on either stroller and it is great for keeping her legs and feet warm. It zips all the way up too, so when it gets cooler I can wrap her in a blanket and zip it to her chin.

Here are two of my suckballs that I had to include in this Blog or they would never let me live it down...hahahah. Yes, my hair is a different color...again.