This sweater set was made over 30 years ago by my Nan (Nana to Kailey) and I wore this. The booties fit her perfectly and the little sweater is so soft and cute on her.

Best friends. This is pretty much as far from Kailey as Zoe likes to be. She is such a great dog and really helps out with keeping Kailey safe. I will put her in a down by the coffee table and she acts as a blocker. She loves Kailey sooooo much and I can really see these two being best friends for a long time.

This was taken yesterday at the Marina. It was a nice day so we took K and Parker for a walk and about 20 min into our walk it poured. We were soaked!!! Kailey was bone dry and enjoying some milk and puffs while looking at the scenery. When we got to the truck (after jogging back) she was ticked that her walk was cut short and proceeded to shove every last puff in her mouth...waste not want not...hahaha.

Check out this smiley girl!! We are on our way to The Woof Inn to see Jackie and Uncle Fraiser.