She is cutting her 4th tooth and is not really interested in some of the solids she normally enjoys. She rather cuddle under her blanket with a bottle so she is having more formula right now. She took a break from her racing around and sat on my lap all cuddled into a blanket for the better part of two hours this afternoon while I read everything I could find in arms reach - that is how I know she is not feeling up to speed. For the last two mornings she has gotten up too early (like 5-5:30am) and this is what I guess will happen with every tooth. It could be a lot worse I guess, but YIKES!!!

She loves to look through the french door leading to the basement. If Jack sees her looking he creeps up the stairs and she squeals and giggles.
We gave her a treat the other night and let her eat snacks and watch an episode of the Muppets before bed and you can see that she was pumped and then ran out of steam. hahaha
crawling & Marley love (check out her bruise...poor baby)
Satisfied after eating her weight in food...hahaha.