While I was typing the last post ref. how lucky I am that she is giving me some sleep I was thinking to myself...jeez I sure hope I am not jinxing things. Sure enough, that night along with the nights thus far she has been a monster!!! She is up unsettled every two hours and it takes a good hour at least (one night three hours) to settle her back down. I have been getting 4 -6 very broken hours of sleep and it is taking its toll on me for sure. She is full time on formula now as the pumping thing was taking way too much out of me and my last ditch effort to put her back on the breast was a total 'bust' so to speak.

I assumed with my Mommy guilt that taking away the breast bottles were having an ill effect on her. I was thinking it is my fault that she is so fussy now because she needs my milk. I went off the milk enhancing drugs and pretty well that was the only thing keeping my supply where it was. Within 2 days it became impossible to pump more than 2 oz. then...hardly a thing. I am totally dried up now...just goes to show that I never really had a supply at all since it only took no pumping for 24 hours to finish the 'boob chapter'. So all in all I have been a crying, sobbing mess the last couple of days...totally sleep deprived. The little monkey has been asleep for 4 hours so far. I fed her at 9:30am and then we took her to her appointment for 11:30, went to the Woof Inn, went to
Zellers and she is still sleeping and it is 1:50. She is due up anytime. What a missed nap opportunity. :-( I looked like a total liar when I was complaining that she never sleeps and cries constantly. I assumed that there was something wrong with her but apparently this is normal. Lovely phase this is.

God give me the strength to get through this next little while. I don't do well on no sleep, never have so this will be my greatest challenge. I have to say that this is way harder than I ever expected. Give me a room full of fighter pilots...no problem at all compared to this stress.
Now on to the appointment.
Weight: 10 lbs 3 oz.
Height: 21.7 "
All the spit up I was worried about apparently didn't have an effect on her weight gain. She is heavier than I though for sure. Double digits already...boo hoo. He was happy with her progress. He said to be safe to keep her on the Isomil due to less symptoms. So I guess she is a vegetarian. lol He told me the amount of spit up does not depend on the formula she is on. I call BS on that one because she spit up way way way more on the regular Similac. Persistent vomiting and Diarrhea is a formula issue and he doesn't really think that I gave it long enough to rule out formulas. He did say that since there is a history of milk intolerance in the family to keep her on this stuff. The only down side I guess is getting her onto regular milk one day may be a bit of a challenge since she will have acquired a taste for soy instead.
According to the Dr. he figures timing wise and time of day wise she is colic. :0( There is nothing to curb that except wait it out. She was a bit better last night but was still up very often. The difference was that I could actually calm her down quickly so she was back to sleep. He couldn't believe how much weight I have lost already so that made me feel good. He looked at the 'thing' coming out of my incision and said that it is a stitch from inside and it will eventually dissolve but the specialist may pull and snip it...ouch! I see him on Monday.
That is all for now.