So I had another wild night last night - Jack lucked out the previous night. She was only up for maybe 2 hours the entire day so I knew I may be in for it. Her fussing started at 8pm and didn't stop really(off and on complaining mixed with a scream that could peel paint) until 10:30
ish. She slept until 1:30 am and that is when the real 'fun' began. It was hell trying to get her to settle after her bottle. She cried until 3:30
ish at which point I caved and let her sleep with me in bed. She started to fuss but I was there to rock her a bit in my arms and she dozed off and I slipped my arm out from under her and we slept until 6:30am!!

Had she not been a fussy pants I would have had 5 hours of sleep instead of the three. I was just thankful she gave me that. She was awesome after that time like always. She is a very good/easy baby during the day. I can deal with fussy crying so much better in daylight. I am terrible at 2am and that seems to be when she likes to test my strength. We have been making a point of keeping her up off and on all day to maybe coax her into sleeping more tonight, I won't hold my breath.
Today's Events:
- I took Zoe pants to the club and threw a ball for her for about 30 min. She was so happy to be out with me again and it was totally therapeutic for me too.
- I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a snugli (she really likes it) and hopefully with my hands free and her being upright we can have a win win situation.
- I went to the mall and ran into Jackie so we had lunch and just chatted it up which was totally great and also very therapeutic. I was supposed to be picking up groceries but what fun is that?
- I ended up going to Sobeys and ran into a girl from my prenatal and she told me her story and it is freakishly like mine. C-section, thought water broke and it actually didn't, hard to breast feed...she is successfully breast feeding but is totally wore out as she wants to eat every 1.5 - 2 hours all day and night. Jackie was talking to another girl from my prenatal class and she was a C-section as well. What is with all the c-sections??? She too had a hell of a time breast feeding but is doing ok with it now. She is feeling overwhelmed too and is up feeding her baby every few hours too. We exchanged numbers so at least we can provide support to one another. :-) It feels good to know that there are others feeling and going through the same sort of thing. I was thrilled to hear how they were doing but was a tad depressed that despite their C-Sections they were able to feed their babies. Oh well.

She is up right now and would prefer to sleep but we are walking her around and she is letting a ton of little toots and mega burps out so this is a good thing. I am going to try to go to sleep super early tonight so I can maybe get through the night better than I have been. I feel like a lazy chick when I am dragging myself out of bed around 11am!! This didn't phase me at all when I was a teenager so i am not sure why now I feel guilty when I have a
legitimate reason for sleeping. Who knows.
I will keep you posted on what tonight brings with the attempt to cut back her massive power napping she does during the day.