Link to pictures: decided that I needed a full night sleep so he took the night feedings and she did amazing for him. She is back to where she was a few nights ago (I say this in a whisper in case I jinx it again). She went four hours and fed and quickly and
quietly went back to sleep and then she was up again in 3 hours without much fussing at all. There were 2 changes I made that could be helping the situation. 1/ I cut back her oz. to 4 rather than 5 at each feeding.

The Doctor said that sounded like too much for her & it could have been contributing to her tummy aches. 2/ I put her back on the newborn flow nipples. I was introducing the #2 nipples but maybe she was getting the milk too fast and sucking in too much air. Who knows. Maybe she needed to adjust herself to the new formula sans breast milk.

I will take it even if this is a gift. She is totally content today and we had friends stop by to drop off a gift and they said that there is no way she is colicky as one of their kids was and she is way too content. Apparently their child wouldn't settle all day and it was hell at night. I am keeping my fingers crossed that these little changes are helping her. We had a wonderful bonding moment today. It was 8am and only 2 hours since her last feed so i really wanted her to wait another hour at least. She was a little fussy and I rocked her in my arms and she fell asleep and instead of putting her in the bassinet I lay in bed with her tucked in the crook of my arm all cuddled and we napped for one and a half hours where she woke up so sweetly and grinned and stared at me. It was wonderful. I know there is so much controversy with having them even take a nap in the bed but I honestly don't know how any Mom can smother their child as I swear i heard every breath and woke to every grunt. This was awesome and I can see taking the odd nap like this together.
I took a bunch of up to date photos today of her and I uploaded them all to the photobucket site but these are my two favorites. Her jeans are a tad too big for her but aren't they sweet? There aer some really funny shots of her little mouth in an 'o' shape. Everytime you change her pants she makes this face and it is too funny.
Shari, who is in a much better place with a full nights sleep...thanks Jack :-).