So Miss Kailey had her first outing today. She had a Dr.'s appointment at 11:00 and we then went to show her off at work and then ended up at Wal-Mart. I am so pleased with her weight gain. She now weighs 7 lbs. 12 oz. and measures 20". She is up from the 6.5 lbs that she dropped to only a week ago. The Dr. is happy with her progress and called her a little butterfly. ;-) I don't want to brag but she by far was the cutest baby there today.
Bias opinion...I really don't think so. lol It was really weird going there and not having to do the usual Prenatal tests. Today is actually her due date and my appointment would have been at 1pm today. All the nurses thought she was an angel. She slept through everything (strategic planning on my part). It was so much fun going shopping with her. I was given a prescription to aid in milk production as I am not producing enough to satisfy her hunger. He was very honest with me and said no matter what I am not to feel guilty if I cannot breast feed or have to supplement. He said that there is a ton of pressure put on new Moms ref. feeding and it can affect milk production and flow due to the stress of the ordeal. She camps out on me for 2 hours at a time sometimes and still pulls away looking like a guppy because she is not always satisfied. We will see what happens in the next little while with the prescription. He did tell me that I need to be prepared for her to refuse the breast if she is not getting what she needs and at that time I need to do what is best for her. I really appreciated the fact that he showed some compassion and understanding and relieved some of my new Mom guilt I was having. The main thing he pointed out is that no matter what she needs to eat and be a happy little girl.

Anyway, I had to take some pictures of her little feet as I just adore them and love watching them when I feed her. Expressive toes. I fell in love with her feet the first time I saw them on one of the 2D ultrasounds.