Guess what I found in her diaper?, not the usual...her umbilical cord!!! It would appear that she may have an outtie for which I will hear about when she becomes aware of her appearance down the road. :-) Jack cut the cord so maybe I can blame him...hahahaha. I could be wrong, maybe it will pop back in at some point. The other new thing that she is doing has to do with her feet. If I am nursing (yes, I am still sticking this out) her on one side she lifts her leg and shoves her foot in my armpit. What is with that? I tried to dig it out without disturbing her eating and she got mad and shoved it in there again...oh well.
I think the pills are working...actually I know they are working already so I will play this by ear. Her best feed is about 7:30am. You would think we are old pros at this. I guess she is hungry enough and awake enough in the morning and everything works as advertised. I have to say though...whoever says nursing is the most natural thing better be wearing a body of armour cause I am likely to start kicking and not stop - C-section incision and all. Natural as in what goes in her but the actual logistics of it all is a skill that is learned and required the patients of a saint. Mom and daughter both were not blessed with this trait I am afraid.

She looks cute in socks and they actually stay on for the most part now. She is wearing little pink ones with flowers today. Bath time this afternoon again and I will be giving her Vitamin before I dress her - lesson learned. Another lesson learned - don't take a short cut and try to leave her grobag (sleeping bag) on while you quickly change her diaper. I was getting over confident in my changing her at mach speed capabilities and she humbled me with a 'poonani' to quote her Uncle Colin. YUCK!! All over the bag, her onsie, the change pad All this completed in the wee hours of the morning; 3:30am to be exact.
That's all for now.