The experts from San Diego are here this week so I really wanted Kailey to meet Keith (our program manager) and Genny (software goddess). Keith knows all about girls as he is surrounded by them at home. Hats off to his daughter who had twins (my God I cannot imagine two Kaileys).

So, she had another outing and this time we had to adjust the car seat straps so it is a given she is getting bigger. She was great and slept the entire time. We had to stop off at Wal-Mart and she slept through that trip as well. The minute we brought her in the door that was it...feed me now she said (in her little anger cries).

Tonight Genny is bringing over supper so the dogs will be thrilled beyond words/barks. It was really nice to see them, over the last 10ish years of working for Cubic I have become attached to some of the engineers from the plant and was feeling kind of left out this time so I got my work 'fix' and I got to show off my daughter.