Wednesday, January 31, 2007
AWWWW my little shopper!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
When You Look Good You Feel Good!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007
Last Night

Friday, January 26, 2007
Jumperoo - Thanks Nan!!!

These are the Days of Our Lives!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007
3 month check up
She now weighs: 13 lbs 12 oz.
Her length is: 24.5"
Her little melon is: 40.5"
She is totally healthy and I am not to fret about the flat spot on the back of her head. He was really funny about it too. I told him I wasn't worried about it until someone mentioned it way back. He then said that I need to have some great comebacks next time like: "Oh it is flat?!...Oh that is good news, we were trying for that. We want her to have a shelf back there so she can hold her bottles...ya know, like an end table"...he then said to finish with: "Next week we are stretching her earlobes and then comes the Frisbee in the bottom lip". I just died laughing at this. I guess he hates this kind of thing. I also thought it was funny when he said to say, there is a procedure called 'put a sock in it'...not a cute little Kailey sock (as he is telling her) , but a great big sweaty adult sock...haha. The whole time Kailey is staring at him with her big blue eyes and smiling up a storm.
Her new trick is blowing raspberries. She waits until you are close enough to spray and she gets her lips going. Very funny. She permanently has a bunch of 'grapes' hanging from her bottom lip (spit bubbles). I knew she would be a funny kid before she was born and boy was I right. She wants to make you laugh and she snorted for the first time today....yikes...that is what I do if I really get laughing.
She had a bath this morning and we are off to the mall today to pick up some more formula for her. Her jumperoo (Christmas present from Nan and Grandpa Denis) is in too so I cannot wait to get that set up. She is a jumping machine so I am sure she will looove this.
Of course, I will take some pictures of her in it and post them. Was there a doubt? lol
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
3 Months Old Today!!!

I took her for a walk today for the first time in her stroller and her bucket (the bucket snaps into the stroller). I wanted to have her facing me rather than out even though she would have likely preferred that since she is soooo nosey. She was full of smiles and looking around like crazy (there goes what little fuzz she had left on the back of her head) hahaha. It was about 15 minutes into the walk when she fell asleep. I cannot believe she slept through that with all the bumps and ruts. It was pretty hard going through some areas but sooooo worth it. It was such a beautiful day I couldn't stay in the house. I had her bundled right up and kept checking her cheeks and she was toasty warm. I didn't take any of the dogs this time because I wasn't sure if we would even make it past the driveway. Tomorrow I will take Zoe with us...she will be thrilled and I am sure very protective (yikes for any stray dogs that cross our path). What a work out that was. We were gone for about 40 minutes only, but my arms and legs are so sore. Good work out for sure.

Monday, January 22, 2007
I cannot wait to take her for a walk!!!

YUCK...yes, I did wash her face after that...hahaha!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Baby Legs

Jogging Anybody?

Friday, January 19, 2007
Thank You Auntie Heather and 'Auntie Char!!

Heather sent Kailey a package with all sorts of goodies that are wayyyy too cute. A Betty 'poop' onsie, some gap socks, baby legs (like leg warmers so she can just hang out in a onsie but her legs will be toasty - good fro crawling too). The sweetest cap that is a tad too small for her...bummer. All this in a cool photo box. Thanks so much and I cannot wait to wash it all up so she can wear it ASAP.
Char sent out a package as well that I opened today. A CD filled with pictures of Kailey & the family from her boxing day photo shoot. She also printed out some very special pictures and put them in a frame for us. I will treasure these as she is growing like a weed and seeing her little hands and feet next to my big hand is truly amazing. This was a very fun photo shoot and I will remember this always and forever. Her studio is amazing with all the proper lighting, backdrops and props. Her company is called HeartStings Photography and if you need some pictures done in a warm family type environment contact me and I will get you in touch with her. You will not be disappointed that's for sure. Here is just one of the pictures that I looove from the shoot.
Shopping buddy...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Bath/Bumbo/Tummy time
1/Mega breakthrough ref. tummy time. You will notice in the picture a little girl lifting her head and sporting a rather pleasant look on her face...that little girl is my Kailey!! (no kidding...who else would it be on this site...just humor me). She is now accepting and liking being on her tummy. The photo is kind of crummy because it was taken between the bars of her crib. I put a Winnie the pooh TV that her Gido got her before she was born up on rails and she is so curious about it she really pushes her head up to watch it. This is a major step considering a few weeks ago she would plant her nose and scream while on her belly. She will now have 'supervised' naps on her tummy and really gets a kick out of laying on my chest and looking at my face (of course I am making all sorts of crazy faces to keep her interested).
2/ She will now stay in her Bumbo for 20 min stretches without getting tired or bored. She has discovered her feet and if she is wearing socks I will take them off and she can entertain herself by watching her toes wiggle. She sits upright with no effort and gets a good workout whipping her head back and forth when she is in the middle of Jack and I when we are eating. I swear she looks at our food and wishes she was getting some of it rather than the same ol' thing. Notice her sleeper??? This is one of the many outfits Grandma and Grandpa from California got for her. I looove this as she is so cuddly warm in it. It is thick terry cloth on the outside and warm fleece on the inside. It is quite big on her still but I rather stay ahead of the game and have her get a ton of wear out of her clothes. I learnt my lesson as she only wore some things once or twice and that was it :-(.
3/ Bath time: Dad and Diane shipped her Christmas gifts and we got them yesterday. What a ton of really cool things. I cannot wait for her to fit her Las Vegas M&M outfit, it is too funny. One of the shirts is from Animal Kingdom and it is a Winnie the Pooh looking at a real Tiger saying Tigger is that you? really cute. One of the gifts that we have put to use already is a set of rubber duckies, oh and her play cell phone. So her new goal in the tub is to see how many ducks she can kick overboard whilst soaking the heck out of me and the bathroom. I was cracking up the entire time. She managed to kick 2 little ducks overboard but despite massive attempts was unable to kick the large duck over. I am thinking of moving her tub to the big tub next time. She still managed to find time to stare approvingly at herself mind you.
*More pictures from today on the photobucket site.*
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Her Banky and her Binky...
So last night I was pretty concerned that I would be up ALL night as Miss K took 4.5 oz. at 7:30pm and stayed up until about 9pm and then crashed. We woke her up for a diaper change and her last bottle but she only took 1 oz. at 10pm...Warning bells ring. She actually slept until 6am and only woke up to take another bottle and then she was out until 9am!! I was shocked. I guess she is trying to tell me that she wants to go to bed earlier. For the past three nights it has been awful trying to get her to drink that last bottle so we are trying a new plan....5 bottles - 5-6 oz with a faster flowing nipple as I think she was stalling out on the last 2 oz. as it is hard work for her when she is pooped from a long day of playing.
We had an outing today...
I took her to work for a couple of hours and she loved it. She was awake for most of the time and just thought it was awesome to be out of the house (I did too). After that I took her to Extra Foods to pick up some big girl bottles and I thought that I would give myself a little work out by not getting a cart for her...I carried her through the store with one hand and had the basket of stuff in the other. I had a guy stop me and tell me I should have used a cart ( thanks Capt. Obvious). It was a work out and I was sweating by the time I got up to the counter....phew.
That's all for now.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Diaper size
:-( I was looking through her keepsake box and I kept one of her newborn pampers and I cannot believe how tiny it is...microscopic...well not that small but WOW tiny. I cannot believe that this size was once too big for her!!! Time really does fly.
She had a really fun day today...tons of reading, playing and tummy time. I really needed a shower so I took her chair into the bathroom and set her up and she loved hearing the water and was thrilled being somewhere 'new'. The funny thing is when I opened the shower curtain she looked me over and then proceeded to laugh at me!!! She really cracked up. This is the second time she has laughed at me. The first time was a couple of days ago and she cracked up over my bed head. I am not joking...this little girl thinks I look hilarious sometimes. Her smile couldn't get any bigger, her tongue was sticking out and her face was getting redder and redder with each chuckle...jee thanks kid. lol
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Tummy Time....for who?
Oh yeah...her favorite cartoon is The Three Little Pigs!!!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The ultimate in frilly girly wear!!!

Remember the Jeans???
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Kailey's First Immunizations
12 weeks 2 days so 2 1/2 mths approx:
Height: 23.5" - 75th percentile - that would explain the clothing isssue - sleeper feet
weight: 13.4 lbs - 90th percentile - awww chubby cheeks
Head: 40 - 75th percentile - would look funny with a smaller head...lol
I knew she was gaining weight fast. I guess she is eating exactly what she should be, she is just going to be a tall girl....cannot imagine why when Jack is 6'5" and I am only 5'9". I still cannot believe that she was 7 lbs even when she was born....WOW. She was in the 50th percentile at birth for everything. It was neat seeing all the notes from the first time they came to see her. Seems like yesterday in some ways yet so long ago in others.
She was all smiles for the strip down and weighing and loved being naked. She was happy as heck up until the point of needle insertion..poor kid. She screamed and then screamed for the next two. She only cried for a little bit after it was all done and then she was back smiling at us again. The Nurse said she did amazingly well as most kids are crying their fool heads off for the entire waiting period (they want you to wait for 15 min before leaving).
I thought for sure I was going to get a lecture about breast feeding but she said that she is thriving on what she is getting so things are good....phew...I don't think I could have handled another lecture. She was very happy to hear she was sleeping through the night already. She said that means she is getting enough food during the day to sustain her for 8 hours. I asked about her flat head and she said that there is a flat spot but we are doing all the right things to try to fix it and it will likely be fine. She also was saying she is very strong so she is developing on schedule. She goes for her 3 month check up on the 24th of this month so we will see what her Doctor has to say about her progress.
Yep, seeing her get the needles was very hard on me but I was a big girl. They wanted me to get immunized as I am overdue...I got out of that one as I have a cold....oh Kailey please do not pick up my avoidance skills....hahaha
Tonight may be rough but I have baby tylenol on standby. She is sleeping right now and will likely wake up within 15-30 min for a bottle so I will see how she is feeling then.
Yep...right on schedule...she wants a bottle.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Thank You Uncle Ryan!!
Thanks again Ryan and we cannot wait for you to meet her.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Too Funny & Cute...
A new 'swing' in town....Bumbo
Friday, January 05, 2007
Sick Girl!! :-(
I think she was excited to be next to me in her little bed again. I would peak in if I heard anything (you will remember from a previous post she talks almost non-stop when she is awake) and she would greet me with this huge grin. She is doing much better today although it is still written all over her that she is not feeling well. She is napping now and I haven't heard any screams so I am crossing my fingers the worst has passed. Her fever has broken and the redness in her eyes and cheeks have subsided. She took 4 oz at 9am and her medicine and she kept that down...thank God as this med is a one time dose...liquid gold. ;-) She started to really rub her eyes, gag and refused a couple of bottles at the tail end of the Edmonton trip, so maybe she picked something up there and I got her home in time for the worst of it. She hasn't been out of the house at all since coming home until yesterday for the appointment but I guess we could have brought something home on our clothes. Who knows...
I really would have preferred her first illness to be a common cold, but what can you do. :-(
Keep your fingers crossed she will get over this quickly.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Kailey's Toes...

Monday, January 01, 2007
Cousins hanging out!!
Kailey's First Christmas!
Sorry it has been so long since the last update but I am here now to update everyone on Miss Kailey's first Christmas. I was very nervous about driving the long three hour drive alone with her, but the morning came and I strapped her into her bucket and off we went. She didn't make one peep the entire trip down and offered a quick smile to Uncle Colin and Nan when we did make it. She quickly drank her bottle and we set up the Kaliey 'camp'.