12 weeks 2 days so 2 1/2 mths approx:
Height: 23.5" - 75th percentile - that would explain the clothing isssue - sleeper feet
weight: 13.4 lbs - 90th percentile - awww chubby cheeks
Head: 40 - 75th percentile - would look funny with a smaller head...lol
I knew she was gaining weight fast. I guess she is eating exactly what she should be, she is just going to be a tall girl....cannot imagine why when Jack is 6'5" and I am only 5'9". I still cannot believe that she was 7 lbs even when she was born....WOW. She was in the 50th percentile at birth for everything. It was neat seeing all the notes from the first time they came to see her. Seems like yesterday in some ways yet so long ago in others.
She was all smiles for the strip down and weighing and loved being naked. She was happy as heck up until the point of needle insertion..poor kid. She screamed and then screamed for the next two. She only cried for a little bit after it was all done and then she was back smiling at us again. The Nurse said she did amazingly well as most kids are crying their fool heads off for the entire waiting period (they want you to wait for 15 min before leaving).
I thought for sure I was going to get a lecture about breast feeding but she said that she is thriving on what she is getting so things are good....phew...I don't think I could have handled another lecture. She was very happy to hear she was sleeping through the night already. She said that means she is getting enough food during the day to sustain her for 8 hours. I asked about her flat head and she said that there is a flat spot but we are doing all the right things to try to fix it and it will likely be fine. She also was saying she is very strong so she is developing on schedule. She goes for her 3 month check up on the 24th of this month so we will see what her Doctor has to say about her progress.
Yep, seeing her get the needles was very hard on me but I was a big girl. They wanted me to get immunized as I am overdue...I got out of that one as I have a cold....oh Kailey please do not pick up my avoidance skills....hahaha
Tonight may be rough but I have baby tylenol on standby. She is sleeping right now and will likely wake up within 15-30 min for a bottle so I will see how she is feeling then.
Yep...right on schedule...she wants a bottle.