I know, technically, she is too young to appreciate shopping but after seeing her beaming and chatting in the cart at Wal-Mart yesterday I beg to differ. I have been taking her out usually every other day now and this time she was wide awake the entire trip so I was showing her things. People thought I was nuts I am sure but she really was excited to see different items. She helped me pick out a couple of things for her that will stretch some of her items like a plain white sweater without a hood. She has such cute onsies but they all have short sleeves so this way she can show off her t-shirts and still be warm. Taking her out seems to help her sleep at night - action during the day=tired baby at night. She slept from 10-7:30am!!! The night before wasn't so great. She was up at 3:30 am so I changed her diaper and put her back to bed and she did fall back asleep but only until 4:30am. I fed her and she was ravenous and she went back down until 8am. The night before that was when she was at work and then Extra Foods during the day and she slept from 9:30pm-7am...hmmmm. So I need to keep her entertained more during the day so she isn't so inclined to nap the day away. She loves action and seeing people and makes all sorts of cute smiles at them. When they smile at her she smiles bigger then they laugh and then she giggles. It is a crazy circle that usually ends up keeping us in the store longer than usual chatting to complete strangers.
I took these pictures of her yesterday. Jackie got these pants for her when she was born. They are super soft and they say sweet buns on them...lol. She looks adorable in them. I love her feet so much so I thought that this would be a perfect combo.