This may sound strange to you but I cannot believe the changes in her little toes that I noticed today.

Her big toe is a chubby little piglet that seems to have grown overnight. SOOOOO cute still, but very different than a few weeks ago. There is a sweet chubbiness to her feet now rather than the awe we were in over how tiny they were. She loves having her toes hanging out and it still makes me smile when I see her stretch her toes out like they are another set of hands. lol Did you know that babies can have foot odor like adults??!! Shocking I know but oh so true. I am thinking her socks and her leather slippers are a tad overkill. Since day one she loved to take her big toe and bend it up while keeping all the other piglets in a perfect line. I will try to snap a picture of this talent tomorrow.

Here are some pictures I took today just to keep you all up to date (in case you forgot what she looked like), I mean it has been a few days since I posted new pictures...hahaha. Oh is very important to match the binky to the outfit - yikes, I guess I need to buy more pink ones then. Oh well, she has her clear (I call it her glass slipper - Cinderella fan) binky that really goes with anything. ;-)
Take Care.
Love Shari & Kailey