Heather sent Kailey a package with all sorts of goodies that are wayyyy too cute. A Betty 'poop' onsie, some gap socks, baby legs (like leg warmers so she can just hang out in a onsie but her legs will be toasty - good fro crawling too). The sweetest cap that is a tad too small for her...bummer. All this in a cool photo box. Thanks so much and I cannot wait to wash it all up so she can wear it ASAP.
Char sent out a package as well that I opened today. A CD filled with pictures of Kailey & the family from her boxing day photo shoot. She also printed out some very special pictures and put them in a frame for us. I will treasure these as she is growing like a weed and seeing her little hands and feet next to my big hand is truly amazing. This was a very fun photo shoot and I will remember this always and forever. Her studio is amazing with all the proper lighting, backdrops and props. Her company is called HeartStings Photography and if you need some pictures done in a warm family type environment contact me and I will get you in touch with her. You will not be disappointed that's for sure. Here is just one of the pictures that I looove from the shoot.